After breaking off her engagement, thirty-something writing professor

Andi Cutrone abandons New England for her native Long Island to focus on

her career and start over. When she meets Devin at a cocktail party,

the sight of an honest-to-goodness male escort shocks her—and fascinates

her more than a little. Months later, Andi impulsively calls Devin.

Over cheesecake in Brooklyn, she offers him a proposition: he will teach

her how to be a better lover, and in return, she will give him writing

lessons. He agrees, and together they embark upon an intense partnership

that proves to be as instructive as it is arousing.

more …

After breaking off her engagement, thirty-something writing professor

Andi Cutrone abandons New England for her native Long Island to focus on

her career and start over. When she meets Devin at a cocktail party,

the sight of an honest-to-goodness male escort shocks her—and fascinates

her more than a little. Months later, Andi impulsively calls Devin.

Over cheesecake in Brooklyn, she offers him a proposition: he will teach

her how to be a better lover, and in return, she will give him writing

lessons. He agrees, and together they embark upon an intense partnership

that proves to be as instructive as it is arousing. For in the midst of

lessons in rhetorical theory and foreplay, Andi and Devin delve into

deeper questions about truth, beauty, and self, gradually coming

face-to-face with the issues at the core of their emotional limitations.

Smart, witty, and introspective, Faking It is an engrossing novel about two people discovering their authentic selves.

less …
  • Mariner Books
  • Paperback
  • September 2011
  • 288 Pages
  • 9780547744971

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About Elisa Lorello

Elisa Lorello was born and raised on Long Island, the youngest of seven

children. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth and eventually launched a career

in rhetoric and composition studies. She has been teaching first-year

writing to university students since 2000. Elisa currently resides in

North Carolina, where she splits her time between teaching and writing.