Like birds blown off course in a great storm, the characters in these connected stories need a place to roost—a place to settle long enough to learn the secrets of their own hearts. They find that place in fictional Ambler County, North Carolina, by the banks of the Sissipahaw River. From a heartbroken city girl to a runaway bride, from an old-timer with regrets to a Yankee retiree, from a New Age farmer to an African American midwife, from an English explorer to an Eno Indian —all are looking for a way to connect, a way to heal, a way home.
Like birds blown off course in a great storm, the characters in these connected stories need a place to roost—a place to settle long enough to learn the secrets of their own hearts. They find that place in fictional Ambler County, North Carolina, by the banks of the Sissipahaw River. From a heartbroken city girl to a runaway bride, from an old-timer with regrets to a Yankee retiree, from a New Age farmer to an African American midwife, from an English explorer to an Eno Indian —all are looking for a way to connect, a way to heal, a way home.
- Press 53
- Paperback
- May 2011
- 216 Pages
- 9781935708308
About Marjorie Hudson
Marjorie Hudson was born in a small town in Illinois, grew up in Washington, D.C., and now writes and lives in Chatham County, North Carolina. She is also the author of Searching for Virginia Dare.
“A fiction writer of considerable craft, and her interplay of personality, nature and fate brings Thomas Hardy to mind.”—Ben Steelman, Wilmington Star-News
“Hudson’s prose is pure as birdsong.These fine stories of change and discovery are a field guide to the human species in transition.”—Doris Betts, author of Beasts of the Southern Wild and Souls Raised from the Dead
"These are truly great stories…each voice so distinct, each “bird” so lost, so misplaced, so in need of someone to listen to their calls, their natural music.”—Susan Ketchin, author of The Christ-Haunted Landscape
“The journeys of these lost characters overlap and echo back in ways that leave the reader both heartbroken and uplifted.”—Jill McCorkle, author of Going Away Shoes
Discussion Questions
The Clearing
- Liz Enfield falls in love with the web of life on her new farm, detailing the natural phenomena that amaze and charm her. Find four phenomena and read the passages that describe them. Invite your group to add natural phenomena they have noticed from their own lives.
- How is the theme of betrayal played out in this story? How does Elizabeth betray her own heart and feelings?
- How does the land’s rebirth teach Elizabeth about her own life? How does Sarton Lee? Whiskey?
- There is a kind of baptism in “special water” in the story, and a “Judas kiss.” How are themes of betrayal and forgiveness played out here?
- How is the title of the story related to the themes: for example, there is a clearing in a woods, the distilling of clear liquor, seeking and finding clear water, a sense of clarity in a life?
- Sarton Lee, a minor character in "The Clearing", re-emerges in this story, telling of a time ten years previous to Elizabeth’s arrival. Did you notice a connection between the stories? Look for Irma’s apron, and a bible verse found in the pocket, in "The Clearing".
- Sarton believes his dog may be a visitor from another planet, to help him become a better person. Does his dog accomplish that? Have you ever felt that a pet or a visitor in your life did that for you? Have you ever felt a spiritual connection to an animal?
- Sarton faces the truth about his own complicity in the loss of his daughter, and he seems to see the loss of little Nancy as cruel punishment from a judging God. How does the loss begin to shape him? What do you think his life will be like after this? (If you read "The Clearing", you already know some of the answer.)
The High Life
- Royal is Dip’s father figure and mentor for a life as a carnie. What are some things Royal did when they first met that Dip found “cool”? What makes Dip begin to reject Royal’s life as a model for his own?
- Dip is looking for “something good” to give him hope of a life beyond the carnival. How does the tough young mother serve that purpose? Why do you think the author created a character like this for Dip’s attention, rather than a sweet and innocent young girl?
- Dip is caught in a dilemma between who he is and who he wants to be. What do you think will become of him? Is there hope for a better life?
- Nina hears the voice of God telling her to get away from her violent Iraq War veteran husband. Do you think it’s really God speaking to her?
- How does Nina face her own fears and prejudices against the South?
- What do you think of Roger the three-legged dog?
- The Voice calls Nina to the river. What does she find there?
- What does Nina begin to find in her new home that she didn’t have before?
New World Testament
- How do the lives of John Lawson and Eno Will fit the theme of “Accidental Birds of the Carolinas”? What scenes can you find that include birds?
- Though this is a fiction story, Lawson and Will are historical figures whose lives intersect much as described. Do you know the Native American history of the area where you live? Are there any rivers or other places named for Native people? Does your family have any connection to early settlers? Native people?
- The story includes a bird sacrifice. How is John Lawson also like a sacrifice?
- References to Native people show up in two other stories in the collection: "Providence" and "The Outside World". How is Native American history still alive in the South? In the land?
- The only character in this story who has a name is Carter. The rest are identified by their place in the family—the boy, his mother, my mother—and the narrator, whose identity and physical presence seem impressionable, like clay. Why did the author make these decisions? How do they serve the story?
- The story outlines a new stepmother’s discovery of her place in her new family. What is uncomfortable about that for her?
- Encounters with deer are symbolic of the mysterious intersections between the memory and life of a previous marriage and the newly emerging second marriage and family. How do deer show up to express this theme? Find and read aloud the sections where deer show up.
- What do you make of the ending? Is there hope for this new family?
Accidental Birds of the Carolinas
- Rand does not like his new retirement village, but his wife Anne adores it. How does this reflect their characters?
- What encounters between “Yankees” and Southerners make the Rand and his family uncomfortable? Find them and read a few out loud. What prejudices to the newcomers have for the people they encounter? Do you think this kind of thing happens where you live?
- What issues do people have to deal with after the death of a spouse? How do they “hold on” to a spouse? How do they let go?
- How does Rand change during the course of the story?
- What part do birds play in the story? Find a few places, read them aloud.
The Outside World
- Jolene falls for John partly because of his dumb clothes. Why else does she fall for him?The sensuality of the rural countryside and Jolene and John’s love life seem connected. How does the author connect them? Read several love scenes.
- The “angel unawares” shows up in scripture and a childhood wish. Where else does it show up?
- How does the arrival of Bobo create a new world for John and Jolene?
- How does John betray Jolene? How does Jolene betray John?
- How does Jolene rely on Emily Dickinson to support her satisfaction with life? Does Emily let her down?
- What role does Reba play in the story?
- This story contains connections to Rand’s story. How are the two stories connected? Did you notice that Bobo shows up in Rand’s tale?
- What is the “Outside World” ? What several meanings does that phrase have for Jolene?