A Been-There, Rocked-That Guide to Radical Authenticity in Life and Business
Calling all visionary entrepreneurs and rebel-spirited changemakers!
It’s time to break the chains, step away from the “shoulds,” and let the REAL you out to play!
Claiming your rockstar identity and embracing your authenticity is the key that will unlock everything you desire in your life and work-and Amber Swenor, founder of Soul Seed and frontwoman in the band Morningstar, is here to show you how to do it in total alignment with your soul.
With humor, heart, and razor-sharp insight, Amber dissects the patterns and norms that keep so many of us locked in fear,
Calling all visionary entrepreneurs and rebel-spirited changemakers!
It’s time to break the chains, step away from the “shoulds,” and let the REAL you out to play!
Claiming your rockstar identity and embracing your authenticity is the key that will unlock everything you desire in your life and work-and Amber Swenor, founder of Soul Seed and frontwoman in the band Morningstar, is here to show you how to do it in total alignment with your soul.
With humor, heart, and razor-sharp insight, Amber dissects the patterns and norms that keep so many of us locked in fear, people-pleasing, and pretending, and reveals the simple shifts and transformative frameworks that will give you the courage to step out of hiding and own who you came here to be.
You can’t change the world until you’re ready to take the stage.
- Worldchangers Media
- Hardcover
- April 2022
- 240 Pages
- 9781955811170
About Amber Swenor
Amber Swenor is a transformational brand strategist who helps business leaders live and lead in authenticity.
She’s the founder of Soul Seed, a family of brands that elevates conscious leaders and companies through brand strategy, marketing, coaching and products designed to help visionaries step into soul-aligned-living and brand expansion.
When she’s not strategizing with clients or speaking on stages, you’ll find her rocking with her metal band, Morningstar.
Discussion Questions
This guide is designed for use as a personal study tool and/or with a group. It is structured to cover two chapters per week, though you can choose to focus on just one chapter each week if that works better for your schedule.
The questions are organized into four categories, allowing you to select which ones to explore as a group:
- Personal Reflection
- Personal Life Application
- Leadership/Business/Career Application
- Book Club Discussion Questions
Feel free to adapt the guide to fit your needs and discussion style!
Week 1: Chapters 1 & 2
Chapter 1: Stripping It Bare
Chapter 2: You Don’t Owe Them Anything
Personal Reflections
- Where in your life or career have you held back on being your authentic self?
- Do you have competing beliefs that create tension within you? How might you embrace both aspects of yourself?
- When you think about authenticity, what are the first thoughts that you have? What beliefs might you hold about people who are authentic?
- Do you feel authenticity is important to you in your life: why or why not? Is it important in your career, why or why not?
Personal Life Application
- In what ways do you feel inauthentic or like you are holding back?
- Reflect on one area of your life where you want to embrace more honesty or authenticity. What small step could you take this week?
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- Where do you see opportunities to own your strengths and step into your authentic leadership more fully?
Book Club Discussion
Chapter 1: Stripping It Bare
- Do you believe the world today is lacking authenticity? Why or why not?
- Do you believe authenticity is important, both in personal relationships and society as a whole?
- What does authenticity mean to you? Explore as a group if you can come to a shared understanding/definition for authenticity.
- Authenticity is defined as being true to yourself, your spirit, and your values, when your words and actions are congruent with your beliefs and values. However, limiting beliefs can make this challenging because sometimes we’re acting in alignment with limiting beliefs that aren’t who we truly are. This chapter sets the stage for transforming these beliefs as a path to living authentically. What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree that addressing limiting beliefs is key to embracing authenticity? Why or why not?
- Amber discusses “rags” or limiting beliefs, such as: “you can’t be powerful and softhearted at the same time.” How do these types of beliefs resonate with your own experiences? Have you encountered similar internal conflicts, and how have they influenced your decisions or actions?
- What areas of your life or career feel held back by limiting beliefs? What steps might you take to begin shedding those “rags” and embrace a more authentic version of yourself?
- How do societal expectations or cultural norms influence the way you show up in your life or career? Where do you feel the greatest pressure to conform, and how does that affect your ability to be authentic?
Chapter 2: You Don’t Owe Them Anything
- In Chapter 2, the author shares that what often holds us back is the fear of outside voices or “trolls,” but more frequently, it’s our inner critic. How does your inner critic hold you back, and what practical steps could you take to quiet or reframe it into a source of encouragement?
- Have you experienced moments when outside criticism caused you to self-doubt? How has negative feedback or outside expectations (that don’t fit with your own beliefs) influenced your career or personal life, and how have you navigated staying true to your beliefs even when you may be confronted by negative external feedback?
- Toward the end of Chapter 2, in “Flip It, Baby,” the author reminds us that all emotions are valid, and encourages shifting focus to what’s working for you. She challenges us to transform negative self-perceptions into self-love in your authentic self. Sometimes, we need to pump ourselves up and focus on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. Where do you see an opportunity to embrace and celebrate your unique genius and strengths more fully? How can channeling that positive energy help you move forward with greater confidence and purpose?
- How do you separate your authentic desires from the expectations of others?
Week 2: Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 3: Your Personal Truth is the Path to Freedom
Chapter 4: You Learn by Doing
Personal Reflection
- What “bricks” or fears are you holding onto that might be preventing you from pursuing your goals?
- Are there comfort zones you’re staying in that might be stalling your growth?
Personal Life Application
- Identify one fear or “brick” you’re working to let go of. What action can you take that helps you move in alignment with your authenticity and flow, rather than being held down by a “brick?”
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- Consider a goal or idea you’ve been wanting to pursue. How could you begin taking action on it with 1 next step, even if you feel unprepared?
- In Chapter 3, the author shares the idea that we need more authentic leaders. What are some examples of authentic leaders or leadership styles that you admire? What traits make these leaders stand out to you?
- Where have you seen authenticity in leadership lead to success? What can you learn and take away from that about how it can help you in your leadership journey?
Book Club Discussion
Chapter 3: Your Personal Truth is the Path to Freedom
- Amber shares the concept of money (and her associated fear/beliefs/lived experience with money) as a “brick” that initially kept her from pursuing self-employment and all of the unknowns that come with it. What “bricks” might be present in your life, and how could they be shaping your decisions?
- Chapter 3 expresses the belief that we need more authentic leaders in our world. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- What does it mean to be a successful authentic leader in today’s society? What qualities or actions are required to lead with authenticity while navigating demands of leadership?
- Does embodying authenticity in leadership bring us closer to a more collective and connected society, or does it risk fostering individualism? How can authentic leadership support greater connection, collaboration, and co-creation, and where might it unintentionally create division?
- Authenticity is a powerful value, but in some cases, it can feel like it “goes too far” when personal expression conflicts with collective goals, respect for others, or effective leadership. Where might you see examples of authenticity being taken to an extreme in our world, and how does that impact relationships or progress? In your own leadership, how do you balance being true to yourself while remaining considerate of others and the broader mission?
Chapter 4: You Learn by Doing
- Learning by doing often requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. How have risks or uncomfortable situations helped you grow?
- In life, sometimes you have to take risks to go after what you truly want. How do you decide which risks are worth it? What factors influence your decisions?
- As a leader, friend, parent, or mentor, what advice would you give to someone struggling with fear and feeling weighed down by their “bricks”
Week 3: Chapters 5 & 6
Chapter 5: The Seven-Inch Platforms
Chapter 6: Boundaries
Personal Reflection
- Reflect on a time you went “against the grain” and stayed true to yourself. What did you learn?
- Are there areas where you are over-giving where it’s become “toxic” and you are becoming resentful toward people/causes/projects that you once enjoyed?
Personal Life Application
- Create or refine your guiding principles or values. Where can you live more in alignment with them?
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- Is there anywhere in your work where you feel burned out or where boundaries may be needed? Reflect on areas where you may be overextending yourself or taking on more than is sustainable. Are there tasks, interactions or expectations that feel draining or frustrating? Consider how setting clearer boundaries, whether around your time, responsibilities, or communication, could create more balance and reduce resentment. What steps could you take to communicate these boundaries effectively and make space for greater well-being?
Book Club Discussion
Chapter 5: The Seven-Inch Platforms
- The author reflects on her values and guiding principles in Chapter 5 and invites you to do the same. How do your personal values influence how you act, and who you spend time with in your personal and professional life? Where might there be opportunities to align your actions more closely with your values?
- The author shares the story of going against the expected pageant norm, in order to honor her authenticity. Can you recall a time when you took a risk to stay true to yourself? How did it impact you, and what did you learn?
- How do you navigate situations where your personal values conflict with the values or culture of your workplace? What strategies help you stay true to yourself while meeting professional expectations?
Chapter 6: Boundaries
- The author discusses boundaries as a critical part of leadership. How do you set and maintain boundaries in your life or career, and how do those boundaries support your well-being?
- Amber shares that boundaries were not modeled for her growing up, which created challenges later in her career. How has your upbringing shaped your understanding of boundaries, and how does that influence the way you approach them now?
- Toxic generosity happens when giving turns into over-giving, leading to resentment. Have you experienced this dynamic in your life? Where might boundaries help you protect your energy and maintain joy in giving?
- The author discusses “code-shifting” or adapting in different settings. How do you balance being adaptable while staying true to yourself? What practices or boundaries help you connect with others without compromising your authenticity?
Week 4: Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 7: Living Off the Leash
Chapter 8: Progress Over Perfection
Personal Reflection
- Where can you release self-judgment and focus on the joy of the journey?
- How does perfectionism show up in your life, and how might it be holding you back?
Personal Life Application
- Celebrate a recent win or milestone in your life. How can you honor your progress?
- Often, the way we judge others can act as a mirror, reflecting areas for our own growth and self-awareness. Take a moment to notice where your judgments of others might reveal opportunities for your personal development. How can recognizing these patterns help you grow and better understand yourself?
- The author challenges readers to “let it be messy.” What’s one goal, project or relationship where letting go of rigid expectations might allow you to grow or move forward? How would embracing imperfection in this area benefit you or those around you?
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- Identify one area in your leadership or business where you can embrace progress over perfection. How might shifting your focus to consistent improvement and small wins help you achieve your goals more effectively? What steps can you take to prioritize growth over getting everything “just right?”
Book Club Discussion
Chapter 7: Living Off the Leash
- Impostor syndrome, referenced in the book as the Dunning-Kruger effect, is the feeling of self-doubt or inadequacy despite evidence of your success, often leaving you questioning your abilities or worthiness. Can you share a time when you experienced impostor syndrome? How did it affect your leadership or confidence, and what strategies or perspectives helped you overcome it?
- In this chapter, the author shares how flipping judgment into joy helped her grow as a leader. She reminds us that we often judge not only others but ourselves. Where might you be judging yourself too harshly? How could you shift from self-criticism to self-celebration and how might that improve your mindset, relationships or leadership?
- Self-forgiveness is often one of the hardest steps toward personal growth. Where in your life have you struggled to forgive yourself? How might releasing self-criticism create space for greater joy, creativity or personal freedom? What actions could you take to begin practicing self-forgiveness?
- Chapter 7 emphasizes the importance of reframing mistakes as opportunities for growth. Can you share a time when you learned and grew from a mistake or failure? How did that experience shape your leadership or professional growth?
Chapter 8: Progress Over Perfection
- Perfectionism can both help and hinder. How does striving for perfection impact your work or leadership? Reflect on times when perfectionism has been a strength and times when it has held you back. What strategies can help you strike a balance between high standards and flexibility?
- In a world often quick to judge, especially on social media, what type of leadership do you want to model? How do you embody that leadership in your interactions, both online and offline? What practices help you lead with integrity and authenticity in judgmental spaces?
- The author emphasizes celebrating progress over waiting for perfection. What is one area of your life or work where you can start celebrating progress today? How can focusing on small wins help you build momentum toward achieving larger goals?
- Setbacks are inevitable in both life and leadership. How do you handle disruptions to your plans? Do you view them as failures or opportunities for growth? Share an example of a time when your mindset about a setback influenced your ability to stay authentic and focused. What lessons did you learn?
Week 5: Chapters 9 & 10
Chapter 9: Badasses Unite
Chapter 10: The World Is Waiting for You
Personal Reflection
- Reflect on the mentors who have shaped your journey. What lessons have you learned from them?
- Are there mentors in your life whom you haven’t connected with in a while or whose guidance you wish to honor? How might you express gratitude or carry forward their legacy in a meaningful way?
- What does leadership legacy mean to you?
Personal Life Application
- What is one way you can create a deeper sense of community in your life this week?
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- What’s one step you can take to amplify your authentic impact as a leader?
Book Club Discussion
Chapter 9: Badasses Unite
- The author talks about creating a ripple effect by being authentic. What impact do you hope to make in your work or community? How could your authenticity inspire and positively influence others?
- In today’s disconnected world, what practical ideas do you have for fostering greater connection among your friends, family or workplace? How can small, intentional actions create stronger bonds?
- Reflect on a time when collaboration or community shaped your personal or professional growth. How did working with others help you achieve something greater than you could alone?
- Do you believe co-creation and collaboration are more critical now than ever? Why or why not? What steps can individuals take to practice meaningful collaboration online or in person?
- The author emphasizes the importance of building intentional relationships. How do you identify and nurture connections with people who share your values (and are shared values important to you)? What challenges or opportunities have you experienced in doing so?
Chapter 10: The World is Waiting for You
- When thinking about your legacy, what are the values and principles you hope to inspire in others? Consider how your personal and professional actions today are shaping the legacy you want to create.
- The author reflects on the mentors who have influenced her journey. Are there mentors you wish to reconnect with or thank for their guidance? How might you honor their impact on your life?
- The Author encourages readers to embrace their ripple effect and create meaningful impact. What steps can you take now to align your daily actions with the legacy you want to leave? Discuss practical ways to begin living in alignment with your values and goals for impact.
Week 6: Overall Book Reflections
Personal Reflection
- What was your biggest “aha” moment while reading Unleashed? How has it changed the way you view yourself, your relationships, or your career?
- In what ways have you committed to becoming more authentic in your life or career?
Personal Life Application
- What is one key action step you feel inspired to take after reading this book, whether in your personal life, career or leadership? How will you stay accountable to living more authentically?
Leadership/Business/Career Application
- What’s one way you will incorporate the lessons of Unleashed into your leadership style or career goals?
Book Club Discussion
- The author defines being “unleashed” as embracing radical authenticity and creating a ripple effect through your unique impact. What does being “unleashed” mean to you, and how do you envision living that out in your life or work?