At just twenty-three years old, Shauna Reid weighed 351 pounds. Spurred into action by the sight of her enormous white knickers billowing on the clothesline, she created the hugely successful blog “”The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl.”” Hiding behind her Lycra-clad, roly-poly alter-ego, her transformation from couch potato to svelte goddess began.

Today, eight thousand miles, seven years, and 175 pounds later, the gloriously gorgeous Shauna is literally half the woman she used to be. Hysterically funny and heart-wrenchingly honest, The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl includes travel tales from Australia to Paris to Red Square, plus romance when she meets the man of her dreams in a Scottish pub.

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At just twenty-three years old, Shauna Reid weighed 351 pounds. Spurred into action by the sight of her enormous white knickers billowing on the clothesline, she created the hugely successful blog “”The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl.”” Hiding behind her Lycra-clad, roly-poly alter-ego, her transformation from couch potato to svelte goddess began.

Today, eight thousand miles, seven years, and 175 pounds later, the gloriously gorgeous Shauna is literally half the woman she used to be. Hysterically funny and heart-wrenchingly honest, The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl includes travel tales from Australia to Paris to Red Square, plus romance when she meets the man of her dreams in a Scottish pub. This is the uplifting true story of a young woman who defeated her demons and conquered her cravings to become a real-life superhero to inspire us all.

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  • Avon A
  • Paperback
  • December 2008
  • 416 Pages
  • 9780061657702

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About Shauna Reid

 Shauna Reid grew up in Australia. She enjoys travel, pub quizzes, and watching men’s tennis. She lives in Scotland.


“Honest and smart, this book does what so few fat-loss memoirs do, which is manage to be funny and insightful without resorting to tired ol’ clichés. Shauna is spirited and kind — the sort of superhero we all want in our corner. This is a must-read for anyone who’s been in the weight-loss pits.” —Erin J. Shea, author of Tales from the Scale

“You know how diet programs have fine print that says “results not typical”? Well, when it comes to the genre of weight-loss memoirs, Dietgirl isn’t typical either—it’s a whole lot funnier, thanks to Shauna Reid’s terrific wit and sharp observations.
Wendy McClure, author of I’m Not the New Me

Discussion Questions

How do you think Shauna’s childhood shaped her ideas of body image and her relationship with food? Have their been instances in your life that have changed how you think about what you eat?

How do you think writing the Dietgirl blog helped Shauna throughout her journey? Are there other activities you think help us grow as people and help us make the changes to our lifestyle we’re hoping for?

So much of what makes Shauna’s story so special is the fact that she realizes her strength comes from inside of her, giving her the ability to achieve her goals. Has there been a goal in your life you’ve been able to achieve? What were the things you did to help you accomplish it? How much were family and friends a part of the journey?

Shauna makes a bold and courageous move when she leaves Australia and decided to stay in Scotland for good. Do you think you’d be able to make this change? Have you ever had to leave your comfort zone to find happiness or follow love? Do you think Shauna’s change of location helped her achieve her goals or acted more as a hurdle?

One of Shauna’s biggest realizations on her journey was that her body did not define her identity; that she didn’t need to be skinny to start living her life to the full. Have you ever held yourself back from pursuing your goals or chasing a dream, because of the way you felt about your appearance?

As Shauna begins her journey, she confronts her mother about the weighty issues of her childhood in order to help her move forward from the past. Have you ever had an uncomfortable discussion with someone? How did it make you feel? Where you happy with the outcome?

In the beginning of her romance with Gareth, Shauna tries to conceal the true extent of her body image and weight issues. Have you ever felt the need to hide or play down aspects of your personality with friends, partners or co-workers? With whom do you feel you can be most like your true self?

Shauna is shocked and amazed by her gradual transformation from couch potato to dedicated exercise junkie. Have you ever surprised yourself by developing a passion for something you thought you loathed? Do you find it thrilling or terrifying to make yourself to do something new and difficult?