A Novel
New York Times bestselling author of On the Island, Tracey Garvis Graves, presents the compelling, hopelessly romantic novel of unconditional love.
Annika Rose is an English major at the University of Illinois. Anxious in social situations where she finds most people’s behavior confusing, she’d rather be surrounded by the order and discipline of books or the quiet solitude of playing chess.
Jonathan Hoffman joined the chess club and lost his first game—and his heart—to the shy and awkward, yet brilliant and beautiful Annika. He admires her ability to be true to herself,
New York Times bestselling author of On the Island, Tracey Garvis Graves, presents the compelling, hopelessly romantic novel of unconditional love.
Annika Rose is an English major at the University of Illinois. Anxious in social situations where she finds most people’s behavior confusing, she’d rather be surrounded by the order and discipline of books or the quiet solitude of playing chess.
Jonathan Hoffman joined the chess club and lost his first game—and his heart—to the shy and awkward, yet brilliant and beautiful Annika. He admires her ability to be true to herself, quirks and all, and accepts the challenges involved in pursuing a relationship with her. Jonathan and Annika bring out the best in each other, finding the confidence and courage within themselves to plan a future together. What follows is a tumultuous yet tender love affair that withstands everything except the unforeseen tragedy that forces them apart, shattering their connection and leaving them to navigate their lives alone.
Now, a decade later, fate reunites Annika and Jonathan in Chicago. She’s living the life she wanted as a librarian. He’s a Wall Street whiz, recovering from a divorce and seeking a fresh start. The attraction and strong feelings they once shared are instantly rekindled, but until they confront the fears and anxieties that drove them apart, their second chance will end before it truly begins.
Read our interview with the author on the Reading Group Choices blog!
- St. Martin's Press
- Hardcover
- April 2019
- 304 Pages
- 9781250200358
About Tracey Garvis Graves
Tracey Garvis Graves is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary fiction. Her debut novel, On the Island, spent 9 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, has been translated into thirty-one languages, and is in development with MGM and Temple Hill Productions for a feature film. She is also the author of Uncharted, Covet, Every Time I Think of You, Cherish, Heart-Shaped Hack, White-Hot Hack, and The Girl He Used to Know. She is hard at work on her next book.
“Careful to balance the emotional and intellectual power between Annika and Jonathan, Graves creates a believable love affair in which Annika is not infantilized but rather fully realized as simply different. And her differences become her strengths when catastrophe strikes, compelling Annika to take the lead for the first time in her life. A heartwarming, neurodiverse love story.” – Kirkus
“Graves’s strong, autistic heroine fights for the love she once lost in this sensitive, affecting romance.” – Shelf Awareness
“An accidental meeting rekindles the romance between former college lovers Annika and Jonathan. Endearing characters will reinforce your faith in people’s goodness.” – Good Housekeeping
“There are a lot of romantic books coming out in April, but none quite like The Girl He Used to Know.” – Cosmopolitan
“Unputdownable” – Refinery29
“The perfect modern rom-com read.” – Hellogiggles
“A second-chance romance that will get you ready for days of dreamy summer reading (and dating)…” – Bustle
“Tracey Garvis Graves is a must read author. Her voice is wise, tender and refreshing.” – Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones & The Six
“Tracey Garvis Graves has crafted an incredible story with a unique premise and characters you’ll want to root for. The last thirty pages had me on the edge of my seat. This book is beautiful.” – Colleen Hoover, #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us and All Your Perfects
“I adore Tracey Garvis Graves’ work.” – Sarah Pekkanen, New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Wife Between Us
“Written with sensitivity and spot-on truth, this is the most riveting, rewarding, refreshing novel I’ve read in years.” – Barbara Delinsky, New York Times bestselling author of Sweet Salt Air
Discussion Questions
1. What was your impression of the book? Did the story engage you quickly or did it take a while for you to become invested in the plot and characters? What were some of the emotions you experienced while reading The Girl He Used to Know?
2. This book is quite a bit different from the author’s debut novel, On the Island. How did you feel about that? Did you enjoy exploring a different genre, premise, and characters, or do you prefer to read books that stay within one genre and/or are part of a series?
3. How did you feel about the main characters? Did you find their actions realistic and believable? Was there one character that stood out for you more than the others? If so, why? What about the other characters (Annika’s mother, Annika’s friend Janice, Annika’s therapist, Jonathan’s boss Bradford, etc…)?
4. How did you feel about the character development in The Girl He Used to Know? Do you think the main characters showed growth and change by the end of the book?
5. How did the bullying and abuse Annika endured for most of her life make you feel about her character? How did it make you feel about the choices she makes?
6. Why do you think Jonathan kept pursuing Annika in the chapters dealing with their past? How do you think this influenced his behavior and decisions in the present?
7. What did you think about the way the point of view was handled in The Girl He Used to Know? Did you like the fact that the chapters set in the past were told from Annika’s point of view? Is there a particular character’s point of view that really captured your attention?
8. The Girl He Used to Know is a blend of women’s fiction and romance, and places significant emphasis on the importance of family and female friendships. Did you enjoy those aspects? How do you feel about the blending of the two genres?
9. What did you think about the relationships Annika had with her mother, father, and brother? How do you think each of those people helped to shape her life?
10. What did you think about Jonathan’s dismissal from Northwestern? Did you agree with what he did? Did you understand why he made the choices he did?
11. What did you think of Janice? Do you feel that she and Annika truly had an authentic friendship?
12. How did the characters’ backstories shape their future actions in the story?
13. Were there moments when you disagreed with the course of action a character chose?
14. What scene was the most pivotal in the book? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?
15. What scene, if any, affected you personally in either a positive or negative way? Why?
16. What surprised you the most about the book? Were there any plot developments you didn’t expect?
17. How did Annika’s worldview negatively affect her safety and well-being? What emotions did these choices evoke in you?
18. What moral/ethical choices did the characters have to make? What did you think of these choices? Would you have done the same thing?
19. What did you think of the ending? Was it satisfying?
20. What did you take away from this book? Would you recommend it to others?
I run into him at Dominick’s, of all places. I’m poking around in the freezer case, searching for the strawberries I put in my morning smoothie, when a man’s voice somewhere off to my right says, “Annika?” He sounds unsure.
From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of his face. It’s been ten years since we’ve seen each other and though I often struggle to recognize people out of context, there’s no need for me to question whether or not it’s him. I know it’s him. My body vibrates like the low rumble of a faraway train and I’m grateful for the freezer’s cold air as my core temperature shoots up. I want to bolt, to forget about the strawberries and find the nearest exit. But Tina’s words echo in my head, and I repeat them like a mantra: Don’t run, take responsibility, be yourself.
I draw an uneven breath that doesn’t quite fill my lungs, and turn toward him. “Hi, Jonathan.”
“It is you,” he says.
I smile. “Yes.”
My hair, which used to be waist length and usually in need of a good brushing, is now shiny and straight and stops a few inches below my shoulders. The tailored shirt and slim-fitting pants I’m wearing are a far cry from my college wardrobe of skirts and dresses two sizes too big. It’s probably thrown him a bit.
At thirty-two, he still looks the same to me: dark hair, blue eyes, broad swimmer’s shoulders. He’s not smiling, but his brows aren’t knitted together in a scowl, either. Though I’ve vastly improved my ability to read facial expressions and other nonverbal cues, I can’t tell if he’s harboring any angry or hurt feelings. He has every right to feel both.
We take a step forward and we hug, because even I know that after all this time—and all we’ve been through—we’re supposed to hug. There is an immediate feeling of safety and comfort when Jonathan’s arms are around me. That hasn’t changed at all. The smell of chlorine that used to cling to his skin has been replaced by something woodsy and, thankfully, not too heavy or cloying.
I have no idea why he’s in Chicago. A prestigious financial services firm in New York had whisked Jonathan out of Illinois almost before the ink finished drying on his diploma, when what had once been a planned move for two turned into a solo endeavor.
When we separate, I stumble over my words. “I thought you lived … Are you here on business…?”
“I transferred to the Chicago office about five years ago,” he says. It astounds me that all this time, as I’ve walked around the city I now call home, I never knew bumping into him was a possibility. How many times have we been within a certain-mile radius of each other and not known it? How many times were we behind or in front of each other on a busy sidewalk, or dining in the same restaurant?
“My mom needed someone to oversee her care,” he continues.
I’d met his mother once, and I liked her almost as much as I liked my own. It had been easy to see where Jonathan’s kindness had come from. “Please tell her I said hello.”
“She died a couple of years ago. Dementia. The doctor said she’d probably been suffering from it for years.”
“She called me Katherine and couldn’t find her keys,” I say, because my recall is excellent and it all makes sense now.
He acknowledges my statement with a brief nod. “Do you work downtown?” he asks.
I close the freezer door, embarrassed that I’ve been holding it open the whole time. “Yes, at the Harold Washington Library.”
My answer brings the first smile to his face. “Good for you.”
The conversation sputters to an awkward halt. Jonathan has always done the heavy lifting where our communication is concerned, but this time he doesn’t let me off the hook and the silence is deafening. “It was great to see you,” I finally blurt. My voice sounds higher than it usually does. Heat rushes to my face, and I wish I’d left the freezer door open after all.
“You, too.”
As he turns to go, a pang of longing hits me so hard my knees nearly buckle, and I gather my courage and say, “Jonathan?”
His eyebrows are raised slightly when he turns back around. “Yes?”
“Would you like to get together sometime?” I tense as the memories come flooding back. I tell myself it’s not fair to do this to him, that I’ve done enough already.
He hesitates but then he says, “Sure, Annika.” He removes a pen from the inside pocket of his suit coat and reaches for the grocery list in my hand, scrawling his phone number on the back.
“I’ll call you. Soon,” I promise.
He nods, his expression blank again. He probably thinks I won’t go through with it. He’d be justified in that, too.
But I will call. I’ll apologize. Ask him if we can start over. “Clean slate,” I’ll say.
Such is my desire to replace the memories of the girl he used to know with the woman I’ve become.
At my initial therapy session with Tina it took my eyes almost five minutes to adjust to the dimly lit room. When I could finally see my surroundings clearly, I realized it was intentional, and that everything in the room had been placed there based on its ability to soothe. The floor lamp in the corner—the only source of light—had a cream-colored shade that threw muted shadows against the wall. The brown leather furniture felt buttery-soft under my fingertips, and the thick rug covering the floor made me want to kick off my shoes and wiggle my toes among its soft, fluffy fibers.
“I ran into Jonathan,” I tell Tina before she’s even shut the door when I show up for my weekly appointment. She sits down in the armchair and I sink into the overstuffed couch across from her, its cushions enveloping me in a way that has always eased my anxiety about being there.
“Last Tuesday. I stopped at Dominick’s on my way home from work, and he was there.”
We’ve spent many hours discussing Jonathan and she must certainly be curious, but knowing what Tina’s thinking by the look on her face is a nut I’ll never crack. “How did it go?”
“I remembered what you said I should do if I ever saw him again.” I brightened, sitting up a bit taller despite the couch’s continued attempt to swallow me. “We had a conversation. It was short, but it was nice.”
“There was a time when you wouldn’t have done that,” Tina says.
“There was a time when I would have escaped out the back door and then taken to my bed for two days.” I had felt drained when I’d finally made it home with my groceries. And then, when I was putting them away, the grief I’d felt about the death of Jonathan’s mother finally caught up to me and I had myself a good long cry because now he doesn’t have any parents at all. I’d also neglected to tell him how sorry I was even though I was thinking it in my head. Despite my fatigue, it had taken me a long time to fall asleep that night.
“I thought he was in New York?”
“He was. He transferred here to take care of his mom before she died. That’s all I really know.” Jonathan’s appearance had been so unexpected, so random, that I hadn’t been capable of articulating many questions. It had occurred to me belatedly that I had no idea if he was married. Glancing down at a man’s ring finger is the kind of subterfuge that occurs to me later—and in the case of Jonathan, two full days after the fact.
“What do you suppose was going through Jonathan’s mind when he saw you in that grocery store?”
Tina knows how difficult it is for me to understand what others are thinking, so her question does not surprise me. In the ten years since I’ve seen Jonathan, I’ve replayed the final weeks of our relationship, and the last message he left on my answering machine, over and over in my mind. Tina had helped me see these events through Jonathan’s eyes, and what I’d realized made me feel ashamed. “He didn’t seem hurt or angry,” I say, which doesn’t really answer her question. Tina knows everything there is to know about the situation, and she could probably tell me what Jonathan was thinking. She just wants to hear my take on it. One of the things I like most about our sessions is that I’m the one who determines what I’m comfortable discussing, so Tina won’t push. Not too much, anyway.
“How did he seem?”
“Neutral, I guess? He smiled when I told him about the library. He started to walk away, but I asked him if he wanted to get together, and he gave me his number.”
“You’ve made real progress, Annika. You should be proud.”
“He probably thinks I won’t call.”
“Will you?”
Though it fills me with anxiety to envision the road I’m about to travel, I answer firmly. “Yes.”
I study Tina’s face, and though I can’t be certain, I think she might be pleased.
Copyright © 2019 by Tracey Garvis Graves
Read our interview with Tracey Garvis Graves on the Reading Group Choices blog!