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Reading Group Choices Interview with Ellen Alpsten

Tsarina by Ellen Alpsten

Author Ellen Alpsten discusses her sweeping novel about the Russian ruler Catherine I, Tsarina.

For her interview with Reading Group Choices, Ellen Alpsten talks about what captured her imagination about Catherine I’s story, Russia past and present, the many sources of research and inspiration, and what’s in store for the sequel…

Reading Group Choices: You mention that you first came across Catherine’s story when you were 13, and knew you had to tell it. Did you have the notion to be a writer that young?

Ellen Alpsten: True – the fascinating story of Catherine I of Russia had never left me,

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Listen Up! Books About Music

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Let these fiction, nonfiction, and YA books about music become a soundtrack for your reading!

Biographies of iconic musician and influential groups. True stories of how music changed the world. Coming-0f-age stories with musical protagonists. Fictional legends of rock, and a heavy metal horror story. We’ve gathered an eclectic bunch of books about music for every type of reader, from the casual listener to the dedicated fan. Read one while playing your favorite tunes, and then discuss them afterward with your group!


One of our recommended books is She Come By It Natural by Sarah SmarshShe Come By It Natural

by Sarah Smarsh

Dolly Parton’s songs for decades have validated women who go unheard,

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The November Spotlight Group Is…

Reading Group Choices November spotlight group

November 2020 Spotlight: Literally Speaking

Our November Spotlight comes from North Dakota and has been meeting for over 20 years!

We have been an organized group since 1999. We still have five of those original members although currently we have 13 members, which is about the max amount we like to have for good discussions and ease of hosting the group. Our name is “Literally Speaking” AKA the “Book Bags”! Our group is organized this way: we take turns hosting approximately every 6-10 weeks. The hostess selects the book and also decides when and where the meeting will be.

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Reading Group Choices Interview with Adrien Goetz

Villa of Delirium by Adrien Goetz

Art historian, scholar, and author Adrien Goetz discusses his new novel Villa of Delirium, set in the historic Villa Kérylos on the French Riviera.

For his interview with Reading Group Choices, Adrien Goetz talks about the lure of mysteries, what inspires him at the Louvre, why the past is present (and future), and why useless pursuits are the best ones to follow…

Reading Group Choices: In Villa of Delirium, Achilles returns to Kérylos decades after he left it, in search of a hidden treasure. You’ve also written a series of novels that revolve around art-inspired mysteries.

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Great Group Reads 2020

The Woman's National Book Association presents its list of Great Group Reads for National Reading Group Month

Reading Group Choices is pleased to share the Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) Great Group Reads 2020 list, part of their National Reading Group Month initiative!

This annual month-long celebration provides an opportunity for reading groups worldwide to celebrate their accomplishments and plan for the future. It’s also a perfect time to join or start a reading group! Every October, WNBA organizes events nationwide and announces an annual list of book selections for reading groups: Great Group Reads.

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Book a Day: October Reading List & Author Chats

Reading Group Choices Book a Day Reading List and Author Chats

Our Book a Day program welcomes fall with these October reads for your enjoyment and morale!

We’re posting a new or classic book recommendation each day to boost your book intake, with absorbing reads to occupy and entertain. Some of our Book a Day selections also feature Facebook Live events with authors. See our October picks below!

Even though your book groups might not be meeting right now, we are lucky to still have ways to communicate. Share the news and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to never miss a dose…

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