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Favorite Books of the Year

Reading Group Choices Favorite Books Lists

Each year we survey our readers, and compile a list of the most popular books of the year. In the past we created one list that included every genre, but beginning in 2015, we created three lists for our readers’ favorite fiction, nonfiction, and young adult books.

You can view the past and current lists here.

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to find out about the annual survey so you can enter your groups’

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How to Start a Reading Group

Bringing Together Book Lovers in Your Area

Reading groups form for a variety of reasons, and in a variety of locations. A group may be made up of friends, co-workers, parents, neighbors, or people who were once strangers. A group may meet at a bookstore, home, cafe, church, or park. But, no matter the reason for creation, or the space that they are held, there is one common factor: book groups are filled with people who love reading and talking about books!

While it is hopefully easy for you to enjoy your book group, it is sometimes challenging to start one.

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Reading Group Choices Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletters include new fiction, nonfiction, and young adult recommendations, paperback releases, books coming soon, and awesome contests. You can also read about creative and inspiring reading groups!

If you are not signed up to receive our free monthly eNewsletter, you can sign up here.


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August Spotlight

August’s Spotlight is The Red Tent Book Club!

We are The Red Tent Book Club. We are named after the first book we read for discussion. We’ve been together for 14 years. We started as a bunch of new moms who had quit our jobs to stay home with our new babies, but we desperately needed to have some girlfriend night out time. Now most of our kids are in high school and we’re back at work, but we still get together every month to discuss a book and catch up on each other’s busy lives.

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July Spotlight

July’s Spotlight is Sweet Connections

I am a part of the best group of ladies that meets on the shores of Lake Superior. When we started the Sweet Connections book club in 2004, we wanted to invite ladies interested in reading a similar genre of books, or at least women willing to read something out of their comfort zone. We also enjoy similar interests outside of our book club activities. We spend an hour talking about the book, but afterwards our discussion over coffee and dessert is equally important as we share the recent events from our lives.

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June Spotlight

June’s Spotlight is So Many Books, So Little Time

So Many Books, So Little Time Book Club meets monthly in our small town of Mt. Airy, NC (better know as Mayberry). We began meeting in March 2013 and have eight members. We are a group of retired educators and one honorary educator (a fabulous parent volunteer for many years) from two different school systems. Each of us knew someone in the group; none of us knew everyone, but we have become connected through books! We challenge each other to read outside of our comfort zone (or out of the rut we were in),

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