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Books Inspired by Austen

Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash

Discover novels, memoir, YA and more inspired by the timeless novels of Jane Austen!

More than 200 years after they first appeared, the novels of Jane Austen continue to inspire writers and readers. From historical fiction (and mystery!) that features the original characters to plots updated to our times, from memoir about the lasting impact of her work to a children’s book parody — the legacy of Austen continues to find new life on the page. Enjoy these picks for your next group meeting, or just for your next personal Austen read!

One of our recommended books is The Jane Austen Society by Natalie JennerThe Jane Austen Society

by Natalie Jenner

One hundred and fifty years ago,

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The January Spotlight Group Is…

telltale book group

January 2021 Spotlight: The Telltale Book Club

The members of our January 2021 Spotlight come mostly from the nursing profession and receive themed bookmarks every month!

The Telltale Book Club started meeting in July 2019 with a phenomenal group of women from the Oklahoma City area. We’re an interesting group as many of us are Labor and Delivery/Postpartum nurses. We average 15 participants in every discussion and we meet on Tuesdays every four weeks.

Our very first book discussion was The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. After that initial meeting, our monthly book has been chosen by vote.

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Reading Group Choices Interview with Amy Stewart

Amy Stewart interview for Dear Miss Kopp

Author Amy Stewart discusses Dear Miss Kopp, the latest addition to her bestselling series of historical novels!

For her interview with Reading Group Choices, Amy Stewart talks about how she captures her characters’ voices on the page, her family’s historical connection to the FBI, what Constance Kopp would think about gender equality and law enforcement if transported to our times, and more…

Reading Group Choices: Dear Miss Kopp is an epistolary novel, which is so fitting because letter writing was how so many people kept in touch during WWI.

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Best of the Best Books 2020

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Our “best of the best” returns for 2020! We’ve scoured the end-of-year best book lists out there and narrowed them down into one handy guide.

Overwhelmed by what to read from the past year? We’ve gathered the fiction, nonfiction, and young adult titles we recommended in 2020 that also appear on one (or more) of the favorite lists from:

BookRiot, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, Women & Children First, New York Times, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal,

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Most Popular Books 2020

Monthly calendar

We’ve gathered the most popular books in 2020 for a look back at the year! In each of our monthly newsletters, we share the top two most-viewed titles on the Reading Group Choices site for that month.

Here are the titles — a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and young adult — that caught our readers’ attention from January to December: the most popular books in 2020. Do you remember these great reads? See if they match your own group’s most popular books…


One of our recommended books for 2020 is American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins    One of our recommended books for 2019 is Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber

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The December Spotlight Group Is…

Book Club Girls Sparta is our December 2020 Spotlight on Reading Group Choices

December 2020 Spotlight: Book Club Girls Sparta

Our December 2020 Spotlight celebrates two years together and discusses two books every meeting!

We are a group of 24 women that range in age from mid-thirties to 70s who have been together for two years now (in November). We are out of Sparta, New Jersey, and call ourselves the Book Club Girls Sparta. We meet once a month and usually discuss two books.  It is a wonderful group of women who have come together to share their love of books, wine, food, and friendship.

This photo was taken in January when we met for our first meeting for 2020.

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