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Welcome to Book a Day!

Reading Group Choices Book a Day Reading List and Author Chats

Welcome to the Reading Group Choices Book a Day program for your reading enjoyment and morale!

We’re posting a new or classic book recommendation each day to boost your book intake, with absorbing reads to occupy and entertain.

Though created by conversations over what a book vitamin might look like during these uncertain times, we also hope it creates a pattern for more reading in the future.

Some of our Book a Day selections feature Facebook Live events with authors. We hope to receive questions from you and encourage interactive conversation.

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Book Group Store Tour: Books on the Loose

Books on the Loose, Port Harcourt Nigeria

Books on the Loose | Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Celebrating 15 years in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Books on the Loose offers a variety of new books, non-book items, story hours, and a cafe. Owner Rosemary Adomokai talks to Reading Group Choices about the challenges of starting and continuing to run a bookstore. She also shares what her brick-and-mortar store offers that online retailers cannot, what her customers are reading, and recommendations for Nigerian authors!

Reading Group Choices: Based on where you are now, what advice would you go back and give yourself when you were first opening the store?

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The August Spotlight Group Is…

Reading Group Choices August 2020 Spotlight Group

August 2020 Spotlight: Kathy’s Book Group

Our August Spotlight gives the gift of reading back to their community!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven,

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Take a Dip! Books About Swimming

Photo by Angello Pro on Unsplash

Cool off and get your pool fix with these books about swimming — for all genres and ages!

Summer usually means time at the beach or in the pool. Usually. But though many of us aren’t able to swim right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t dive into a good book about the topic! What follows are our picks for nonfiction, novels, young adult and children’s titles that all share a connection to swimming. Essays about what draws us to water, the history of swimming, novels that feature the sea. Dip your toe into one of these great summer reads for now —

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Book a Day: July Reading List & Author Chats

Reading Group Choices Book a Day Reading List and Author Chats

Deep into summer and our Book a Day program continues with July picks for your reading enjoyment and morale!

We’re posting a new or classic book recommendation each day to boost your book intake, with absorbing reads to occupy and entertain. Some of our Book a Day selections also feature Facebook Live events with authors. See our July recommendations below!

Even though your book groups might not be meeting right now, we are lucky to still have ways to communicate. Share the news and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to never miss a dose…

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Reading Group Choices Interview with Ryan Graudin

Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin

Author Ryan Graudin discusses her YA duology Wolf by Wolf and Blood for Blood.

For her interview with Reading Group Choices, Graudin talks about the symbolism of wolves, championing the female “Hero’s Quest”, and what history teaches us about racism and injustice…

Reading Group Choices: Did you know from the outset that Wolf by Wolf would have a sequel? If so, why did you know you wanted it to be two books instead of one? And do you have plans to revisit the characters in a third volume?

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