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Welcome to Reading Group Choices 2020

The Reading Group Choices 2020 guide lists the best book club books for discussion

Welcome to our new edition! 

Reading Group Choices 2020 is now available for purchase (eBook and paperback) on our website! The new edition includes enjoyable, unique, and challenging fiction, nonfiction, and young adult titles that we chose to inspire thoughtful and lively conversation. Thank you to all of our readers who inspire us to find and recommend new books each year. We listened to your requests and searched for titles from around the globe.

Happy reading and discussing!

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Our picks for 2020

The Assasination of Brangwain Spurge by M.T.

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Novels That Take Us Back to School

Reading Group Choices presents novels that take us back to school

That time of year has arrived: Back to school! Gym uniforms, freshly-sharpened colored pencils, overpriced textbooks. Algebra homework and PhD dissertations. That touch of excitement to see familiar faces after summer break, mixed with a healthy amount of resignation.

(Non-Required) Reading

For students, that means much assigned reading. But for the rest of us, we can prepare for the season and indulge in a vicarious school experience on the page.

Reading Group Choices presents a list of fiction, both adult and young adult, with a connection to school. These titles range in subject matter from elementary to university (with some witchcraft thrown in for good measure).

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You Will Be Found: Dear Evan Hansen & Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Dear Evan Hansen is one of our book group favorites for 2018

I wish that everything was different. I wish that I was a part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered, to anyone.

Evan Hansen dreads the new school year. He’ll be a senior, and his arm is strapped with a cast from when he fell from a tree over the summer. His father left for Colorado and lives with a new wife, while his mother works as a nurse and takes classes, and so is rarely around. Evan has social anxiety and takes Atavan to calm down. His therapist, Dr.

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Take a Chance: Debut Authors (so far) in 2019

Debut authors in 2019 for the best book group books for discussion

Along with the authors we know and love, part of our joy at Reading Group Choices is recommending great new writers making their debuts! We’re almost at the halfway point for 2019, and the year has already given us an impressive roster of first-time novels and memoirs.

We’ve identified half a dozen debuts to read with your group, with discussion questions, interviews, excerpts, and other materials below to help create a lively discussion. Take a chance on someone new!

We’ll look forward to what the rest of the year brings…

The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg


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Wordplay Author Speed Dating!

Reading Group Choices is hosting a literary extravaganza at Wordplay! Come join us for this free event of author speed dating & book giveaways!

Reading Group Choices is happy to partner with Wordplay for a literary extravaganza to celebrate our readers. In our fast-paced world, reading groups offer us the time to slow down, catch up with friends, and talk about wonderful books.

We want to celebrate you the readers with a free session of fun giveaways, delicious snacks, and rounds of author speed-dating with these terrific authors: Linda LeGarde Grover,

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Take Your Book Group for a Walk

Book club ideas by Reading Group Choices: Walking book group

Who says you have to stay indoors? Get inspired by these walking book groups and bring some fresh air to your discussions!

There’s no single way to run a book group. And when the weather’s nice, it’s a perfect time to take a break from the kitchen table or community room and head outdoors. Walking book groups combine a bit of exercise with their discussion — before, after, or during their walk.

Consider the benefits:

* Fresh air and movement stimulate energy and can result in new ideas and insights into a book

* Walking naturally leads a group to pair off and recombine,

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