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The March Spotlight Group Is…

March 2022 Spotlight: The Telltale Book Club

Our March 2022 Spotlight created a challenge to promote reading among their members!

The Telltale Book Club started meeting in July 2019 with an amazing group of women from Oklahoma. We are a fun and interesting group as many of us are Labor and Delivery/Postpartum nurses. We average 16 participants in our monthly discussions and we meet every 4 weeks.

We have been meeting virtually via Zoom since March 2020. We really miss meeting in-person, but Zoom has provided us the ability to discuss our monthly book,

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The September Spotlight Group Is…

September 2021 Spotlight: Good Books Good Company (GBGC)

Our September 2021 Spotlight gets involved in promoting reading across Rhode Island with local events!


GBGC (Good Books Good Company) has 15 active members with on average 8-12 in attendance at our bi-monthly meetings.  The club has been meeting since 2000.  I, Rosanne Trissler (lower far left), joined in 2001 when I came on board as a librarian at La Salle Academy.  This has been a steady group – even with the need to “go virtual” this past year.  June was the first opportunity that we had to reconvene in person at one of our member’s back yard! 

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Our 2020 Favorite Book Survey Winners Are…

TBD Book Group

Thank you to all of the great readers who filled out our 2020 Favorite Books survey!

Every year, Reading Group Choices surveys book groups and readers to compile our annual list of Favorite Books. And every year we randomly choose winners who receive a gift certificate to their local independent bookstore, copies of our 2021 annual guide, and a literary tote!

Meet our 2020 favorite books survey winners below (and sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss the chance to take our 2021 survey!).

TBD (To Be Determined)

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Top Ten Read Books from RGC 2020

Our 2020 survey results are in! And along with our readers’ favorite books of the year, we have a list of the top ten most-read titles specifically from Reading Group Choices 2020.

Has your group read all of these terrific books yet?

Most-Read of 2020

1. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson

One of our recommended and most read books is The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson


Inspired by the true blue-skinned people of Kentucky and the brave and dedicated Kentucky Pack Horse library service of the 1930s,

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Reading Group Choices Interview with Bonnie Tsui

Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui

Author Bonnie Tsui discusses her new exploration of what draws us into the water, Why We Swim.

For her interview with Reading Group Choices, Tsui talks about lost water arts, equal access to pools, and her dream swimming destination…

Reading Group Choices: There is so much interesting research in this book. What was your research process like?

Bonnie Tsui: Incredibly varied. I dug into historical archives, interviewed paleontologists at their labs, traveled to Japan, Iceland, and elsewhere. I loved every minute of it.

RGC: There are a few central characters and settings: Gudlaugur Fridporsson,

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Become a Reading Group Choices Spotlight

Become a Reading Group Choices Spotlight!

Each month we feature a different book group from around the world on our website and in our eNewsletter as our Spotlight. We include a picture and description of the group, along with the group’s history, favorite books from the year, and anything that makes their members unique. It’s so fun to hear from the variety of groups that are part of the Reading Group Choices community.

To enter to become a Spotlight group, email a picture and description of your group to If your group is chosen,

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