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The July Spotlight Group Is…

The Reading Group Choices Spotlight Book Group in July 2019 is Reading Between the Wines

July 2019 Spotlight: Reading Between the Wines

The members in our July Spotlight Group, six years strong, met as parents and stayed together as friends!

Here is a photo of our book club at an author visit event for the annual All of Rochester Reads selection. We are ten women who initially came together on the sporting fields, concerts and musicals, and parade routes as parents in the Gates Chili School District in Rochester, New York. Our love of reading and curiosity brought us together, and now friendship keeps us searching for new books and adventures to share.

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Our 2018 Favorite Book Survey Winners Are…

Thank you to all of the great readers who filled out our 2018 Favorite Books survey!

Every year, Reading Group Choices surveys book groups and readers to compile our annual list of Favorite Books. And every year we randomly choose winners who receive a gift certificate to their local bookstore and a package of RGC-recommended books for their entire group!

Meet our 2018 favorite books survey winners below (and sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss the chance to take our 2019 survey!)…

The RGB Reading Book Group is a winner of our favorite books survey.The RBG (Reading Book Group)
San Diego,

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Take a Chance: Debut Authors (so far) in 2019

Debut authors in 2019 for the best book group books for discussion

Along with the authors we know and love, part of our joy at Reading Group Choices is recommending great new writers making their debuts! We’re almost at the halfway point for 2019, and the year has already given us an impressive roster of first-time novels and memoirs.

We’ve identified half a dozen debuts to read with your group, with discussion questions, interviews, excerpts, and other materials below to help create a lively discussion. Take a chance on someone new!

We’ll look forward to what the rest of the year brings…

The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg


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How to Weed Books: A Guide

Tips for weeding books

A new apartment, a new member of the family, an ever-alarming fire hazard, or just the desire to take stock of what’s exactly in those piles. As difficult (or unthinkable!) as the idea feels, there are good, important reasons for weeding your books.

It’s often difficult, we know. But whether by choice or necessity, the process doesn’t have to be traumatic. Reading Group Choices shares these strategies for de-cluttering your collection: how to decide what to put aside, and then how to make the break with your books!

Ways to Weed


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Reading Group Choices Interview with Madhuri Vijay

One of our recommended books for 2019 is The Far Field by Madhuri Vijay

Madhuri Vijay discusses her debut novel The Far Field, the intersection of character and world events, living in Kashmir, and more.

Even before The New York Times Book Review, New Yorker, and Washington Post gave it glowing reviews. Or before it became an Indies Introduce pick, an IndieNext selection, a Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers selection, an Amazon Best Book of the Month… Even before the accolades, Reading Group Choices was ready to read this debut novel. And we were lucky enough to have Madhuri Vijay answer a few questions for us!

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Why Readers Love Their Book Groups: 2018 Survey Results

Reading Group Choices explores why readers love book groups.

We wanted to find out why readers love their book groups!

Which is why we asked them to tell us in our 2018 RGC survey. The results are in, and they remind us how valuable reading groups are for connecting with others and expanding the way we think. Want to know what readers enjoy most about being in a group? Here are the top reasons, along with their own words…

1. Stretching Boundaries

“Reading books that I would not normally choose on my own.” This positive aspect of book groups appeared time and again in our survey responses.

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